Saturday, November 29, 2008

Upwardly mobile

After almost three years of ownership I finally got my GT6 out for a MOT and even better, it passed first time with no advisories, just positive comments from the tester about the CV conversion on the rear and the condition of the underside.

Though to put a bit of a damper on it, I did have to pull over on the way back as the car mis-fired and refused to start again, so it was up with the bonnet. As I lifted the distributor cap off, the rotor arm was not in it's proper place, so I am guessing it may have jumped out?
I shall see if I can fit a Lucas dizzy for possibly increased reliability over the old Delco unit, but the next major job for me will be getting the Megajolt system built up and fitted.

It's great to have it almost on the road, though I still need to get the tax applied for, but there is not too much of a rush as I had been hoping to fit a new water pump before the MOT, unfortunately it has still not been delivered. Apparently the address or telephone number on the package was not correct or clear enough, so the courier could not deliver it or contact me, should have gone to Fitchetts really as I know they always get parts out to me next day, oh well, we live and learn. The plan now is to try and get it to run something like right as the carbs still need balancing & adjusting and then go out and put some miles on it.

It is a bit of a shock to the system as I had not driven a small chassis Triumph in anger for over a year, it does feel a lot more steady now on the 175 tyres compared to the 155's I had on it before I went off for the MOT.

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